The design of the aeroplane / Проектирование самолета

4653 просмотров Обложка книги The design of the aeroplane / Проектирование самолета (Stinton D.)
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Аннотация к книге "The design of the aeroplane / Проектирование самолета":

Almost every line of this book shows the author's experience in aeroplane design, in flying and testing, as a pilot in the Royal Air Force and a test pilot at Farnborough, as a test pilot-surveyor for the Civil Aviation Authority, in teaching others the fascinating details of performance, stability and control, and in relating these to flying qualities -although this latter subject is to be developed more fully in the author's next book.

For those who want to design and build their own small aeroplanes, this book takes them step-by-step through the aerodynamic and weight calculations required. It not only tells how, but also gives a well-balanced treatment of the theoretical background. The reader is given a very clear physical picture of the fluid dynamic processes involved in all aspects of flight, and whereas the equations are given in rigorous form, only an elementary knowledge of mathematics is needed to make full use of the text, for the author's own physical insight is transmitted to the reader in the simplest and clearest terms.

Students of aeronautical engineering on even the most advanced courses will also find the book of great value throughout their studies, especially for the treatment of aircraft stability and control.

The author has some new insights on these subjects which will greatly assist such students to understand the ideas involved and methods used in the analysis of stability and control problems. In many formal textbooks these are presented in a more complicated and difficult way than is really necessary.

A feature of the book is the last chapter where forty examples of particular project design problems are presented and used to illustrate points made in the preceding chapters. Students will find themselves referring to the book throughout the whole of their subsequent careers, and it can be recommended to all who are interested in aeroplane design, whether it be as a hobby or a full-time career.

D.Stinton The design of the aeroplane. 1983



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