Gas Turbine Engines for Model Aircraft / Газотурбинный двигатель для авиамодели
8174 просмотров
- Автор
- Kurt Schreckling / Курт Шреклинг
- Год
- 2003
- Язык
- Английский
- Формат файла
- Размер файла
- 4.85 МБ
Аннотация к книге "Gas Turbine Engines for Model Aircraft / Газотурбинный двигатель для авиамодели":
А turbo-jet engine for model aircraft? What's a turbo-jet, anyway? "What sort of engine have you got in there, then?" These are the questions 1 have heard so often, even from experienced power modellers. Sometimes a little more knowledge was betrayed by the question: "How many turbine wheels has it got?" Occasionally — very occasionally — I would be asked a question on the compression ratio. Then I knew that I was in the presence of a real expert! But all my interrogators had one thing in common: they all wanted to know exactly how this jet turbine device worked. A turbo-jet, also known as a jet turbine engine, exploits a gas turbine to produce thrust. It is called a gas turbine because the working medium — air — is in a gaseous form. Please note that this has nothing to do with the possibility of using fuel in a gaseous state. In its simplest constructional form this type of heat engine makes a high-performance power source for an aircraft. The gas turbine becomes a jet turbine, or turbo-jet, when the usable energy in the exhaust gas from the turbine is concentrated using a nozzle, or jet. However, this is not essential in principle.Книга по изготовлению авиамодельного газотурбинного двигателя в домашних условиях. В книгу включены история, описание, процесс изготовления, чертежи газотурбинного двигателя для авиамодели.