Airplane design handbook
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- Bruhn E.F.
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Аннотация к книге "Airplane design handbook":
The Work of the Aerospace Structures Engineer. STATICALLY DETERMINATE STRUCTURES (Loads, Reactions, Stresses, Shears, Bending Moments, Deflections} Equilibrium of Force Systems. Truss Structures. Externally Braced Wings. Landing Gear. Properties of Sections - Centroids, Moments of Inertia, etc. General Loads on Aircraft. Beams - Shear and Moments. Beam - Column Moments. Torsion - Stresses and Deflections. Deflections of Structures. Cestigliano's Theorem. Virtuat Work. Matrix Methods. THEORY AND METHODS FOR SOLVING STATICALLY INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES A8 Statically Indeterminate Structures. Theorem of Least Work. Virtual Work. Matrix Methods. A9 Bending Moments in Frames and Rings by Elastic Center Method. A10 Column Analogy Method. All Continuous Structures - Moment Distribution Method. A12 Slope Deflection Method. BEAM BENDING AND SHEAR STRESSES. MEMBRANE STRESSES. COLUMN AND PLATE INSTABILITY. A13 Bending Stresses. A14 Bending Shear Stresses - Solid and Open Sections - Shear Center. A15 Shear Flow in Closed Thin-Walled Sections. A16 Membrane Stresses in Pressure Vessels. A17 Bending of Plates. A18 Theory of the Instability of Columns and Thin Sheets. INTRODUCTION TO PRACTICAL AIRCRAFT STRESS ANALYSIS Alg Introduction to Wing Stress Analysis by Modified Seam Theory. A20 Introduction to Fuselage Stress Analysis by Modified Beam Theory. A21 Loads and Stresses on Ribs and Frames. A22 Analysis of Special Wing Problems. Cutouts. Shear Lag. Swept Wing. A23 Analysis by the "Method of Displacements". THEORY OF ELASTICITY AND THERMOELASTICITY A24 The 3-Dimensional Equations of Thermoelasticity. A25 The 2-Dimensional Equations of Elasticity and Thermoelasticity. A26 Selected Problems in Elasticity and Thermoelasticity. TABLE OF CONTENTS Continued Chapter No. B1 82 FLIGHT VEHICLE MATERIALS AND THEIR PROPERTIES 8sic Principtes and Definitions, Mechanical and Physical Pro)erties of Metallic Materials for Flight Vehicle Structures, STRENGTH OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS AND COMPOSITE STRUCTURES c1 Combined Stresses, Theory of Yield and Ultimate Failure, C2 Strength of Columns with Stable Cross-Sections. C3 Yield and Ultimate Strength in Bending. C4 Strength and Design of Round, Streamline, Oval and Square Tubing in Tension, Compression, Bending, Torsion and Combined Loadings. C5 Buckling Strength of Flat Sheet in Compression, Shear, Bending and Under Combined Stress Systems. C6 Local Buckling Stress for Composite Shapes. C7 C'ippling Strength of Composite Shapes and Sheet-St[ffener Panels in Compression. Column Strength. C8 Buckling Strength of Monocoque Cylinders. cg Buckling Strength of Curved Sheet Panels and Spherical Plates. Ultimate Strength of Stiffened Curved Sheet Structures. C10 Design of Metal Beams. Web Shear Resistant (Non-Buckling) Type. Part 1. Fiat Sheet Web with Vertica[ St[ffeners. Part 2. Other Types of Non-Buckling Webs. Cll Diagonal Semi-Tens[on Field Design. Part 1. Beams with Fiat Webs. Part 2. Curved Web Systems. C12 sendwih Construction and Design. C13 Fatigue. D2 D3 CONNECTIONS AND DESIGN DETAILS Fittings and Connections, Solted and Riveted. Welded Connections. Some Important Details in Structural Design.